Monday, August 4, 2014

12 days of shots for nothing?

This cycle was our 2nd time on HMG injections. Since this worked last time we were very hopeful that maybe, just maybe, they would work again. I did 12 days of injections and a lot of ultrasound monitoring at the specialist's office.

But today, cycle day 15, this cycle has been officially cancelled. My follicles did not respond like they did last time. They stalled out at only 8mm, but we need larger than an 18mm to be able to have a chance at making a baby.

This is very frustrating. We were expecting a similar result as last time, we thought we would be able to do the trigger shot, and have at least a CHANCE at getting pregnant.

But, nope, no chance. Not this time.

Our fertility specialist wants us to move on to a different type of injection and double the dosage. So we have that to look forward to..NOT.

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